Lots of things going on in my life right now and once again, I’m falling behind with no hope of ever catching up.  Okay, that’s not exactly true, I think I’ll be able to get caught up this weekend but I fully expect to be behind again by next weekend.  Sometimes, being a writer is more a matter of hanging on to a quickly fraying lifeline as the whirlpool slowly sucks you down…down…down…and you find yourself waiting for that final thread to snap, sending you to your–

Okay, enough drama, the point is I have a lot on my plate right now and I don’t have any idea how I’m going to get it all done.  It probably doesn’t help that I’m writing a blog entry instead of doing one of those many things that needs to be done but…well, that’s the way I am.  When my to-do list gets out of control, I’m often overwhelmed and don’t know which project I should work on first so I put off choosing one and do something else.  Just call it another way I tend to self-sabotage my writing.

Anyway, here’s my top five list of things that need to be done by Monday:

1.  Finish checking the pre-proof file on Winds of Fate.  Yep, that’s right, I received the first round of edits on Winds the other day and it should be releasing early this fall.  Woo-hoo!  Snoopy dances and all that, but first I have to get the file back to my publisher so they can move forward with it.  Hopefully, I’ll get that done this weekend.

2.  Finish updating the links page on my website. Romancing the Legends…  I spent most of last weekend updating the rest of the site and the only thing left to do is the links page–which shouldn’t take too long.  Thing is, I don’t like chasing down all those links, creating them and then going back to check to make sure I got them right.  Still, it’ll only take an hour or two at the most and it really needs to be done so…I need to get busy and do it!

3.   Once my website is completely updated, I need to do some work on this blog, Cait-Tales.  I’m sure when I do, I’ll find tons of broken links, missing pictures, and out-of-date pages.  I’ve already done some clean-up work, but there’s a lot more that needs to be done.

4.  Set up another blog–yes, that’s right, another blog.  This one’s for a small writers’ group I recently joined, Writer’s Guild of Western North Carolina.  At the meeting yesterday, we were talking about blogs and setting up a blog for the group.  Since I’ve had some experience at that, I volunteered to set it up–even with everything I have going on right now.  The way I look at it, it’s something I know how to do and I’ll most likely enjoy doing it so…why not?  It should be a nice break.  I’ll post the link here as soon as we get it up and going and I hope you’ll all check it out when I do.  We have some interesting and accomplished writers in this group and I’m hoping the blog will reflect their talent and maybe be an inspiration to writers who are just getting going.  I know just talking to these people the three times I’ve been at meetings has been an inspiration for me.

5.  Clean my house!  Not looking forward to that but it really needs to be done so I’m going to have to find the time and the motivation–and energy!–to do it.  Blech!

And that’s it, my Friday Five to be accomplished before Monday.  Wish me luck!